Membership Information

Benefits of Membership:

Eligibility to join the Executive Committee

Eligibility to vote at Annual General Meetings

Participation in the email forum to share information and advice by networking with other industry experts

Access to resources withing the restricted areas of the website

Awesome member gifts each year

Early notification of upcoming events, workshops and training

Email Forum:

A member can opt to participate in the AILGR Google Groups email forum.  This forum is for financial members only and is a "chat room" where ideas, new legislation, information and document sharing is passed on to all members.  The forum also provides a mentoring and sounding board for any issues or problems that an officer may need assistance with.  

It is also a great way to network and speak with others in the same position.  You can gain knowledge to ensure you provide accurate information in your workplace to fellow colleagues or to the general public.

The collective experience of forum members is 150+ years and this is a great way for members who are new to the industry to ask questions and receive assistance.

Of note - the email forum is not a substitute for legal advice.  

Membership fees help cover the costs associated with:

Annual Workshop and regional seminars

Training and training materials

Website and other IT expenses

Other costs

Membership Fees:

Period of membership: 1 July to 30 June

$5.00 joining fee

$20.00 annual fee

Please note: Payments by credit card carry a $2 processing fee

Direct Debit:  Australian Institute of Local Government Rangers

BSB 112-879

Acc 039-593-481

Membership payments must be accompanied by a membership form. Complete online or download the PDF Form below

Pay your membership fees at our Shop (form also required to be submitted)

Membership Application Form (PDF) or complete online below

Direct Deposit Details:  

BSB 112-879  ACC 039-593-481

I hereby agree to abide by the rules and constitution of the Australian Institute of Local Government Rangers.